Return and Refund Policy

 Buyer may apply for return and refund of the purchased item (“Item”) subject to the terms and conditions and the return and refund policy of Kalihukan Sa Panaad Marketing Cooperative (“KSPMACO”).

Return and replacement of Product 

Buyer may only apply for the refund and/or return of the Item in the following circumstance:

  1. Quality Problems, which means that there is quality failure of the Item delivered to the Buyer, damage on the material or missing parts which not attributable to the Buyer;
  2. Inconsistent description with the description on the Items’ information page or communication between KSPMACO and Buyer regarding the item’s color, name, function, material, style, and other information with respect to the Item;
  3. The Item has not been received by Buyer, thus Buyer and Courier shall take a photo upon receipt of the Item; and

*Change of mind is not a valid reason for application of refund and return of Items.

Buyer’s application must be submitted online to or Buyer may personally visit its office at 2nd floor 4grps building, Municipality of San Jose, Dinagat Islands.  Buyer shall provide photos, videos, or other evidence to prove such claim. KSPMACO will review each Buyer’s application on a case-by-case basis and, in its sole discretion, determine whether Buyer’s application is successful. KSPMACO shall provide evidence and reasonable explanation to the Buyer establishing that the products do not have quality problems or Inconsistent Descriptions or the reasons for such issues are not attributable to KSPMACO.

After the Buyer and the KSPMACO reach an agreement for the return or replacement of products, the returning address shall be the same as the sender’s address, unless otherwise agreed upon. The Buyer shall return the Items within the agreed time limit. If the deadline for returning is not expressly prescribed, such products shall be delivered to a courier for shipping or personally to KPMACO’s office address no later than Twenty calendar days on which the agreement for returning of products is reached. Expenses for returning of Items shall be borne by KPMACO, and if the Buyer and KSPMACO otherwise reach an agreement, such agreement shall prevail. If the prescribed time limit expires, the Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the products, and that KSPMACO no longer want to return and apply for refund, unless delivery/or return of products was delayed due to unforeseeable or unavoidable event.